
Official postcard Mailed To: shannon_ Hsin (Taiwan)

Distance: 10,711 km
Sent: 28/Oct/2016
Received: 16/Dec/2016

The Postcard

Postcard Id

Official postcard Mailed To: Eva (Latvia)

Distance: 2,873 km
Sent: 28/Oct/2016
Received: 14/Dec/2016

The Postcard

Postcard Id

Official postcard Mailed To: Maika (Germany)

Distance: 2,147 km
Sent: 05/Nov/2016
Received: 11/Dec/2016

The Postcard

Postcard Id

Official postcard Mailed To: Irina (Finland)

Distance: 3,679 km
Sent: 28/Oct/2016
Received: 6/Dec/2016

The Postcard

Postcard Id

Official postcard Mailed To: Luqiu (U.S.A)

 Distance: 6,675 km
Sent: 28/Oct/2016
Received: 4/Dec/2016

The Postcard

Postcard Id