
Official postcard Mailed To: Pragya (Usa)

Distance: 6,731 km
Sent: 2/Jun/2016
Received: 30/Jun/2016
The Postcard

  Postcard Id:


Official postcard From: Martin (Saarbrücken) .

Distance: 1,647 km
Sent: 2/Jun/2016
Received: 26/Jun/2016
The Postcard

 The Stamp

About The City: 

Saarbrücken:  is the capital of the state of Saarland, Germany. Saarbrücken is Saarland's administrative, commercial and cultural centre. The city is situated next to the French border at the heart of the metropolitan area of Saarland.  


Official postcard Mailed To: Caroline (France)

Distance: 1,623 km
Sent: 6/Jun/2016
Received: 24/Jun/2016
The Postcard

  Postcard Id:


Official postcard Mailed To: Marion (Germany)

Distance: 1,756 km
Sent: 14/May/2016
Received: 16/Jun/2016
The Postcard

  Postcard Id: